2008年1月6日 星期日

the kite runner

Kite Runner —- the best (english) novel I’ve read so far.

“The unforgettable, heartbreaking story of the unlikely friendship between a wealthy boy and the son of his father’s servant, The Kite Runner is a beautifully crafted novel set in a country that is in the process of being destroyed. It is about the power of reading, the price of betrayal, and the possibility of redemption, and it is also about the power of fathers over sons-their love, their sacrifices, their lies.”
This book made me stayed home on the weekends. This book made me cried several times. It is such a great read. It is such a powerful book which a lot of the scenes written in the book will keep on spinning in your head even though you’ve put down the book. I highly recommend this book to everyone.
What’s stunning me, is, omg…. there’s this movie coming up on 2 Nov 2007! I am so looking forward to it, I’m sure I’ll watch it for at least serveral times. =)

Just by looking at the trailer, I know its gonna be a good movie!

"The Lovely Bones"

Our narrator Susie Salmon is already in heaven. Murdered by a neighbor when she was only fourteen years old, Susie tells us what it is like to be in her new place. "When I first entered heaven I thought everyone saw what I saw. That in everyone's heaven there were soccer goalposts in the distance and lumbering women throwing shot put and javelin. That all the buildings were like suburban northeast high schools built in the 1960s." Later she learns that heaven is whatever you truly want it to be and, sometimes, other people's version of heaven intercepts with your own.

The images and feelings elicited in this novel are ones that speak true and are hard to forget, and although the novel's tone is unsentimental, the events in the story are no less emotional for it. I am not normally one to get weepy, thus reading in public is not a big deal. I was somewhere in the middle of this novel while waiting in a doctor's office and I got so caught up reading that I hadn't realized forty minutes had passed or that I was the only one left in the waiting room. (Did they call my name and I not hear it?) I was glad, though, that there was no one to see me sniff away my happy tears.

There are a lot of scenes that stand out in my mind, but I'll share this one because it shows how Sebold uses the ordinary to express the state of the household. Lindsay is in the bathroom attempting to shave her legs for the first time. It is her father, not her mother, who steps in to help her with this rite of passage. He gives her a new blade and tells her what to do, and against his normal father role, he keeps it to himself that he feels she's still too young to shave her legs. Like so many other moments in the book, it is such a heartbreaking and loving scene. And one that brings them a step closer to healing.

Another way that this novel surprised me is the way the story moves along, partly because the language is so beautiful and partly due to the narration style. Susie narrates by mixing in events about things that happened before she died so that we can see how the family was when she was still there; and at the same time, she keeps the day to day, year to year events moving along, so that we can see the progress the family makes in accepting her death. Because there are so many people that Susie tells us about a lot of things happen in the novel, much of adding a mild suspense. The best part is how easy it is to like her family and friends. And the ending is surprisingly satisfying. Yes, it is wrapped up in nice tidy package, but it leaves a smile, nevertheless. Whereas some writers might not be able to get away with it, this one does. And after the book is read, it's like what Susie says about her and her family, sometimes she still sneaks away to watch her family because she can't help it, and sometimes they still think of her because they can't help it either. I find myself thinking about this novel, because, well, I can't help that either.

It is sad to think that no matter when one reads this novel there will probably be a child missing in the news and a family trying to adjust to the new horror in their lives. As I write this they are still searching for 14-year-old Elizabeth Smart in Utah. It is not that the The Lovely Bones makes light of this kind of tragedy, but it does bring some healthy insight into the role of death in our lives. "That in the air between the living, spirits bob and weave and laugh with us. They are the oxygen we breathe."

The 10 Worst Films Of 2007

It’s getting to be that time of the year again… time for us to start talking about the best and in this case, the worst movies of 2007. This year gave us some truly awful films (but surprisingly, not as many as last year) that all deserve an honored place on this mighty list.
There is a little bit of everything on this year’s “Worst of” list. Some sequel action, some comedy, some horror… but all of them celebrating sucking. So let us celebrate the suckage together as we are pleased to run down for you The Movie Blog’s 10 Worst Films of 2007.
1) SPIDER-MAN 3There was only 1 film I was looking forward to more in 2007 than Spider-Man 3, and that was Transformers. I really liked the first Spider-Man film… and I thought Spider-Man 2 was one of the best Comic Book movies ever made. No reason to suspect anything less than brilliance for Spider-Man 3 right? RIGHT??? Wrong. Sam Raimi (who I think rules) just ran out of creative gas for this franchise and just mailed it in. Oh how creative… the bad guy is going to get at Spider-Man by kidnapping MJ and hanging her from a high place… just like they did in #2…. just like they did in #1. Emo Spidey. Raping the image of Venom. Stupid story. Needless new side characters. Dance scenes. And ultimately this movie should have been called “Spider-Man 3: MJ’s Career Troubles”, because the film spent far more time on MJ’s struggles as an actress than it did on either villain, including the one we all wanted to see more of. I could go on and on and on and on… but I’ll leave it there. Ladies and Gentlemen, The Movie Blog presents to you the worst film of 2007. Spider-Man 3.
2) THE NUMBER 23Also high on my “anticipated films of 2007″ list was this amazing looking thriller with Jim Carrey in the lead. The concept sounded so very good. Carrey himself looked like he would knock this one out of the park. The trailers and images looked fantastic… and then I saw it. Wow… just wow. The whole movie you’re just waiting for something to happen… but it never really does. Ridiculous story “twists”, major continuity problems, and just a total disregard for common sense and the intelligence of the audience. The most boring and painfully slow film of the year… and when it finally gets to the pay off at the end, it just makes it worse. I can understand why Carrey took this role. On the surface it looked like it had a lot of promise… but those promises were dirty dirty LIES (said in high pitched german female voice)!
3) THE CONDEMNEDThere are certain films that should be no brainers and pretty easy to make. Zombie movies for example. Make some virus, it turns people into zombies, the zombies kill a lot of people… it’s not hard. A simple action film with “Stone Cold Steve Austin” should have been the easiest thing on the planet. Just have lots of over the top action, some witty macho one liners and a few hot chicks. It’s not classic cinema, but it would appeal to your target audience and keep them happy. Well, they screwed it up. Steve Austin should have never opened his mouth in the film, the action was sub-par, and for some reason they tried to integrate a political espionage element with the grieving wife back home sub-plot. Ouch this movie sucked.
4) SHREK 3Another franchise I just adored. 1 was really good, 2 was hilarious, so I had high hopes for Shrek 3. Here’s the thing… if you’re going to have a comedy, then the one thing it absolutely MUST have is laughs. A weak story in a comedy can be forgiven if it has great laughs. Bad acting can be over looked if it has great laughs. Bad pacing, bad direction, bad effects, bad dialog can all be over looked if a comedy movie has great laughs. HOWEVER, you can have everything else in spades… but without the laughs the movie fails. This movie (without exaggeration) had 1 laugh that came near the end of the film. Even the kids didn’t laugh. Such a let down from such a fun franchise.
5) DADDY DAY CAMPHey everyone, gather around the camp fire. I’m going to tell you a story. It’s a story about a time long ago when Cuba Gooding Jr. actually had a career worth talking about. I know that sounds like a far fetched story… but it’s actually true. This guy even won an Oscar once. But then, some big bad evil agent started feeding Cuba poison apples disguised as scripts, and Cuba ate them up. But seriously, how on earth did any studio anywhere end up liking a pitch that involved a follow up to an Eddie Murphy comedy without Eddie Murphy?!?! Such an awful movie. Cuba, you’re better than this… we’ve all seen what you can do. Wake up and stop eating those damn apples.

6) BRATZDo you get the irony? A group of plastic teen girls who’s moral message is for young girls to “be themselves” all while trying to convince them to conform to modern popular trends. Oh yeah girls… and dress like sluts too. I’m hardly qualified to be the moral compass of America… but holy crap, if I had a daughter I’d never in a million years let her watch or be influenced by this crap. I’d rather she listen to Manson for heaven’s sake. Unlike Daddy Day Camp, I can understand why a movie like this would get the green light (having such a popular brand following, it was guaranteed to at least make back it’s money) but come on… at least PRETEND like you care about making a half decent movie. Just pretend. We’re not expecting Oscars out of it… just make it so I don’t want to scratch out my eyes when watching it.

7) ARE WE DONE YET?Yeah, we’ve come a long way my friends from the bad ass mo’ fo’ Ice Cube from straight out of Compton. Now he a neutered wussy bad disney-esque family man comedy whore. This movie was just all kinds of horrible. Every cliche and over used formula and sight gag that could be pulled out of cold storage was used to cheese supremacy. If you’re going to do a film like this, you’ve got to at least make the family endearing… or somewhat believable. Neither were the case here with Are We Done Yet. The one good thing I can say about Are We Done Yet, is that unlike most movies today, it lived up to the potential of the trailer. Yes, it was one of the worst trailers of all time. How on earth this movie made more than $2 million is beyond me.
8) FANTASTIC FOUR 2Hey, I’ve got a great idea! Let’s do a sequel to Fantastic Four… only this time let’s put more cheese into it, take out even more of the action, and let’s do what Spider-Man 3 did by introducing to the screen a character all the comic fans want to see, and then hardly ever have him on the screen… oh… and make sure he doesn’t get into any fights in the movie. Fantastic Four 2 took the failures of the first one, and built on them instead of building on the few things the first one did right. A comic book action movie where the BIGGEST fight was the Fantastic Four vs a Ferris Wheel. Yes, you read that right. The big fight involving the whole Fantastic Four Team was then they has to combat the evil forces of a falling Ferris Wheel. Go team! The film was called “Rise of the Silver Surfer” and yet the Surfer has just a little more screen time in the movie than I did.

9) I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU CHUCK AND LARRYIs it just me, or does it feel like the better and better Adam Sandler is becoming as an actor, the less and less funny his comedies are becoming? It used to be the other way around. Sandler was hilarious but couldn’t act worth beans…. but he’s grown. This past year “Reign Over Me” was one of the best surprise movies of the year and Sandler was brilliant in it… but then comes I Now Pronounce You Chuck And Larry and it seems like Sandler has just totally lost his edge/touch. Ranchy does not equal funny. Raunchy can be funny, it can be very funny. But it’s not an equation. The jokes and feel for this horrible film got really tired about 5 minutes into it. And I’m sorry, but Adam Sandler always beening the great looking, hottest, toughest guy around roles are just too much and are starting to come off as pretty damn narcissistic. The whole movie felt like a great idea for a 7 minute SNL skit… but it got dragged out to almost 2 hours.

10) HOSTEL 2Someone needs to remind Eli Roth that gross does not equal scary. In Hostel 1, Roth gave a nice mixture of grossness with tension and suspense. There was also a mild dash of mystery to it as well. In that kind of environment, torture porn tactics can be VERY effective, and they were in Hostel 1. But for some reason all of that got thrown out the window for Hostel 2, and all we were left with was “He guys, watch this awful thing we’re going to do to this girl”. It becomes nothing but a demonstration of gore without any of the substance of horror to go along with it. So instead of scaring us, it just made us want to cover our eyes. When you do both, it’s classic, when you do just the one, it’s a waste of time. That pretty much sums up Hostel 2… a giant gory waste of time.

I Am Legend 2?

I am somewhat surprised by this news, but considering how money hungry Hollywood is, I know I really shouldn’t be all that surprised. ShockTillYouDrop.com got some very interesting news recently about the possibility of a sequel to last month’s box-office breaking hit, ‘I Am Legend.’
The good folks at
ShockTillYouDrop give us this news:
An inside source, who wishes to remain anonymous, tells ShockTillYouDrop.com author Richard Matheson has signed off on sequel rights for the smash hit I Am Legend. Matheson wrote the original 1954 novel upon which Francis Lawrence’s film is based.
Okay, so the good news about this is that the sequel may NOT happen. (Something I am crossing my fingers for.) Now, I saw ‘I Am Legend’ a couple of weeks ago. Half way into the movie, I was crying none stop (something very rare for a movie to make me do) and I thought Will Smith gave Oscar worthy performance in a movie that didn’t deserve it. Without giving too much away, if they were to do a sequel to the movie, after the events in the first installment, I can tell you that I would NOT be interested.
The CGI was crap. (Made the special effects in ‘The Mist’ look spectacular) I do not care to see more fake looking vampires…oops I mean, flesh-eaters (They should be f*cking vampires, damn it!) take over the world. The first ( and hopefully only) film was fine and should be left alone. I wish studios would realize that just because a movie made a sh*tload of money at the box office, does not necessarily mean people will be lining up to see a sequel.
Then again, that just might be me. What about you guys? Would you see ‘I Am Legend 2?’ (Note: Please giving a warning when posting spoilers in the comment section!

Advanced Calculus

Tonight I go to the main library to study.
When I practice do the exercises in section 39,
I find that some theorems there can be applied to solve the problemswe have ever done in senior high.
Which require us to find the tangent plane at one point in 3-dimensional space.
I am so exciting because I know the application and there is another way to solve this kind of problem.
Sometimes I think Advanced Calculus is useful and interesting but it is always difficult,
and we have to take a lot of time to study it.
Advanced Calculus is the subject which I like most and is the only one I really learn.